Talent Evaluation

Our Talent Evaluation process utilizes objective interviewing tools in order to ensure the right candidate for the position is selected, as well as have a proactive understanding of the new hire's personality, attributes and qualifications, which will ensure an easy transition into your company.Talent Evaluation

Interviewing Team Member

Our basic role in the Talent Evaluation Process is to be an objective participant in the interviewing process. First, we participate in the interviews of candidates in order to provide an objective assessment. As a participant, we do not have an agenda, personal or political, and our only goal is to make sure that our clients hire the candidate with the best 'fit'.

Integrated Process

In this step, we are our client's 'third hand' in the interviewing process, because we are an active participant as an interviewer. With our 25 years of experience and our objectivity, we are able to uncover elements which are not so obvious. At this point in the process, our only objective is to assist in selecting a candidate who represents the HiringForFit Position Profile.

Standardized Metrics

By using our Hiring Profile as the framework for the interview process, all the interviewing team members will be measuring candidates by the same criteria. By doing it this way, there is consisitency in the process. How many times have you seen different interviewers having different agendas? We work to prevent that by creating standardized metrics for the interviewing process which keeps the interviewing team similarly focused.

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